… So That You Develop A Healthier Relationship With Your Thoughts And improve Your Thinking!
If you could go back in time, just one hour ago, and have the exact same thoughts that you had, from one hour ago to this moment, with one small difference: you would have the exact same thought that you had, but they would be in a language that you don’t understand…
Would you have the ability to classify them as positive or negative? Of course not!
Would you have a relationship with any of those thoughts? Of course not!
Would you experience that thoughts are just thoughts, not positive and not negative, that thoughts are just mental activity? Of course!
Yet, we get caught up with thoughts, and we keep classifying them as negative or positive! We keep feeling uncomfortable when we have unpleasant thoughts or frustrated when we have a pleasant thought but is far from our reality!
This is a huge topic and a very important one since we are giving our thoughts so much attention…
So why is it so important to think in healthier ways?
Because thoughts are the source of suffering! In fact, when you don’t think of something, you cannot suffer. If you really connect to the present moment – when you are observing or witnessing whatever is there, no thinking happening, even though you may observe mental activity.
We think only about something that happened in the past or that may happen in the future. Right here, right now, being present in the deep sense, is not a mental function!
In fact, if you wish to learn how to stop suffering, I highly recommend that you access 2 lessons that will help you on a practical level. You can access them for free by clicking on the small photos:
So what is the danger of positive thinking and how to avoid it? And how to positively use negative thinking? How to think in a healthy way that supports you and saves you a lot of wasted time, mental & emotional energy? Watch this video:
Since we are talking today about Thinking, and because this is such a vital skill to develop, I created for you a free resource, in which I go
through those tips in more detail, and I added a few more tips.
I’ve also included for you more analogies and guidelines for you to grasp the concept of healthy thinking and apply it in your life.
Make sure to download this free resource and implement it so that you start thinking in a healthy, efficient, productive, practical and more pleasant way while saving un-necessary time & energy!
Click on the green button below to download your free resource:
If you enjoyed it and you feel it added some value to you, feel free to share it with anybody that this could help them.
Question of the Week:
How do you handle unpleasant thoughts?
Please share with me what is it that you do, and… if you are satisfied with the way your method works for you…
I’d love to know!
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