… So That You Are No Longer Triggered By A Situation, And You Can Transition From Being Stressed To Being Peaceful And More Present
When we are facing a challenging situation, we need to take care of it in a healthy, practical and efficient way. If you want to learn how to do it click here to learn how to approach any given situation with less stress and handle it more efficiently.
But… sometimes, even after we have addressed a situation or fully resolved a problem, we are still experiencing unpleasant thoughts around the situation, and we are still emotionally triggered! We are just not at peace!
This is when we need to address ourselves!
The problem is that when we are emotionally triggered, and when our thoughts are rather unpleasant, we tend to go into a loop… more unpleasant thoughts trigger more charged emotions and vice versa, and we can get stuck in this loop.
It even may look difficult or even impossible to break this pattern, get rid of those unpleasant thoughts or let go of those triggered and charged emotions.
Today I want to share with you a simple way to get out this loop and transitioning to a peaceful state rather quickly and becoming more present.
I put together a simple ‘suffering formula’, and as soon as you understand it and use it, you can easily transition to a peaceful and more pleasant state.
So why is it so important to break this loop and transition to being peaceful and present?
When we experienced charged emotions or unpleasant thoughts, it means that we are focusing the past or the future. Just reflect on this: if you do not think of something that happened in the past or something that may happen in the future, do you suffer? Can you experience unpleasant thoughts? Can you feel emotionally triggered? Of course not!
While letting go of unpleasant thoughts and charged emotions can help us shift to a more calm and present state, it can be quite challenging to do.
I find that it is much easier to just become more present, and then we automatically stop suffering and we no longer experience those unpleasant thoughts and emotions!
Once we are more peaceful and present, we are more flexible and open to possibilities, we see things from a wider and more neutral perspective and we perform better.
In this video, I will be sharing with you exactly how to do this!
So make sure you click play and watch the entire video because I will show you my ‘suffering formula’ and I will give you very simple steps to follow, and if you apply them, you will see results really fast!
Since we are talking today about how to stop
suffering so we are no longer triggered by a situation, and we can transition to being peaceful and more present, I’ve created for you a free resource!
This free resource includes the ‘suffering formula’ that will help break this loop and reduce stress, while transitioning to a more peaceful state!
Make sure to download this free resource and implement it so that you can perform better and get better results with every task!
Click on the green button below to download your free resource:
If you enjoyed it and you feel it added some value to you, feel free to share it with anybody that this could help them.
Question of the Week:
What do you usually do in order to transition from being stressed out to being peaceful really fast?
Please share with me what has helped you the most with shifting from a loop of unpleasant emotions and thoughts to being present and at ease!
I’d love to know!
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